A few cute things
This is a new weekly feature. Enjoy!
We hope you're enjoying your Monday morning, coffee in hand, or helping your kiddos get out the door for another week of learnin'. You probably don't have too much time to surf the web, so we've done it for you.
1. Back to school books - If you've already grown tired of the books you purchased a few short weeks ago, here are 16 more incredible options to help fire up young minds. via DailyCandy Kids
2. 8 adorable mats for your little napper - Just because your baby still takes naps at school doesn't mean he or she shouldn't have THE cutest mat in town. via LilSugar
3. Monster PBJ - Love food trucks and live in the Houston area? You and your kids will love this lunchbox on wheels, which specializes in PBJs on all kinds of yummy bread with lots of filling options. We tried nutella, PB & banana on gluten-free break (grilled, obviously) & it was a winner.
4. Lovely 1st birthday party idea - This sweet-as-sugar first birthday party is simple & modern, but still looks like a kid's birthday party. Of course, you can see that little Sophia DEVOURED that cake, leaving none for the adults. She'd look adorable in a cuteheads frock, wouldn't she? via 100 Layer Cake