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{ a few cute things }


images from (l to r, top to bottom) sally's baking addiction, She Knows, KidsOMania, LilSugar

Hello, hello! Your weekly cute links are here to get you started off on the cute foot.

Tired of the same ol' same ol'? Here are 42 of the very best baby shower themes that will make mommy-to-be happy. { Lil Sugar }

These chocolate-covered pretzels are a the perfect blend of salty, sweet, and fun. { Sally's Baking Addiction }

There's still plenty of time before Christmas! Get the kiddos excited with this DIY advent calendar. { Acute Designs }

Or if you're of the Jewish persuasion, make these three fun crafts for the festival of lights. { She Knows }

We can almost guarantee that your little one doesn't appreciate muted neutrals as much as you do. Here are 23 ideas to paint nursery walls bright colors. { KidsOMania }

An adorable note from a spy in training. You think he's watching a little too much Homeland? { Huffington Post }

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