Fashion's Night Out Houston
Outfit: denim, leopard leggings, tory burch booties. Ready to go!
The lovely Allison Bagley, CEO of Tidbits. Houston Tidbits Party.
At the ShopStyle Lounge, hosted by the Houston Chronicle's Joy Sewing, ladies were getting beautified.
This Alice+Olivia sparkler was screaming, "you need me."
Look at this handsome, stylish man enjoying the SaksFifth Ave/GQ/Hudson Jeans party.
Beauty queens!
This year, we headed over to the Houston Galleria for Fashion's Night Out, a yearly event during which editors, stars, models, fashionistas, and designers "flood stores in cities across the country and around the world for fashion's most iconic extravaganza." Last year, FNO took place in eighteen countries and more than 4,500 events in the States. And Houston was on top of its game.